Sorrry Fans-This One Did Nothing For Me...
15 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe I wasn't in the right mood to watch this one. I've seen HOUSE WITH THE LAUGHING WINDOWS and liked that one enough-but although ZEDER has a decent concept (which as others have noted, Stephen King almost definitely stole for Pet Cemetery...)-what actually happened in the film just wasn't enough to hold my interest.

A writer is given a typewriter by his girlfriend. The writer finds the old ribbon within the machine that has the writings of the previous owner typed on to it-and it speaks of cryptic things called 'K-zones'. Not understanding the text but sniffing out the concept of his next novel-the writer begins researching who previously owned the typewriter-and what this K-zone talk is all about...

I'm not gonna spend much time on this one. The plot is actually quite inventive-the acting, sets, locations, etc...are up to par with most Italian thrillers of the time-frame...but ZEDER is just f!cking dull!!! I tried my best to like it-I saw that several of my reviewing 'colleagues' on here that I tend to hold in high regard liked it...I just couldn't get into it. I'm not a 'SCREAM-obsessed-teeny-bopper-wannabe'-and although I readily admit that I tend to gravitate toward the more graphic side of horror cinema-I can appreciate a solid, slow-burn thriller as well. Problem for me is that ZEDER was all 'slow' and no 'burn' in my book-much like SHORT NIGHT OF THE GLASS DOLLS, another Italian 'classic' that I watched recently was. Both had solid concepts but failed to keep me intrigued enough to care by the time they were over. But to each their own-and to those that loved this one...I'm glad it did something for ya. I'd personally take any number of Italian gialli/thrillers over this particular entry. A generous 5/10.
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