Holmes remade as an action hero
29 December 2009
This version begins with a fist fight involving Holmes at a gambling den. Naturally Holmes walks away the victor. The scene signals clearly that this version is not going to follow in the footsteps of its many predecessors. So, if you have read the original Holmes stories, or seen any of the many previous Holmes adaptations, particularly those from the 40's with Basil Rathbone, you will probably be shocked and disappointed to see Holmes portrayed as a sort of cartoonish James Bond/Batman character. There are more fist fights, chases, heroine in distress scenes, and a finale atop the Tower Bridge. Although this is a period piece purportedly set in London during the 1800's, to me it lacked authenticity mainly because of the cartoonish nature of the film. It seemed that the film was really a superhero movie but with the superhero having a keen sense of observation instead of magical powers. There were times when some of the actors lost their British accents and one scene in which one of the detectives clearly spoke in an American accent. So, director Ritchie seems not to have cared much for authenticity but rather went for an action joyride. On that level, the film is not so bad, much like a National Treasure or DaVinci Code. Robert Downey Jr. portrays Holmes as a tormented, depressed soul, never clean-shaven, clearly a personal slob, witness his disgustingly slovenly digs, with no manners and a pugilistic side. Jude Law's Dr. Watson is more like Robin to Batman and he is more than willing to join Holmes in fisticuffs as they fight off one thug after another. There are Holmes references in the film, as to Professor Moriarty, but unless you are already familiar with characters from the Doyle stories, you will not understand them, nor are they explained at all. Clearly there will be at least one sequel. The film is clearly aimed at younger people and will probably provide them with 3 hours of non-stop action entertainment.
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