Mostly Annoying
9 October 2009
Why is it that "comedy" filmmakers seem to think that the way to make a man fall in love is to torment him so unmercifully that he's ready to commit murder? Does this kind of thing actually happen in real life?

This is a remake of "The Divorce of Lady X" (which I also found more annoying than funny) with some 70s pop culture add-ins, like miniskirts, marijuana smoking, self-analysis and, most surprisingly, Barbra Streisand's potty mouth, and without the beauty of Merle Oberon to provide at least some reason for watching.

Barbra is ultra-abrasive throughout, with a maturity level slightly below that of the average three-year-old, so self-absorbed that it genuinely never occurs to her that other people in the world might have needs, or even feelings. Certainly my idea of the perfect mate!

I did watch it all the way to its non-comedic "let it all hang out - tell it like it is" ending, although I don't really know why. The thing I liked best about it was that it was finally over.
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