Review of Deadgirl

Deadgirl (2008)
A little bit of this, a little bit of that....
21 September 2009
I can see how a film-maker could watch "Donnie Darko," "Brick," "Fido," and "Kids" and then make this movie. It pulls themes, characters, plot devices, and even musical cues from all of them. This doesn't make it a bad movie, but it does make it derivative. (In particular, the score bears an uncanny resemblance at points to Michael Andrews' score for DD.) On the other hand, it is not your typical low-budget horror film. I give it extra points for deftly working around the horror aspects of the film to give us a (probably scarier) glimpse into the personalities of the leading characters. In fact, the title character is more of a McGuffin in this film.

Some reviewers have zeroed in on the "gross factor" of the film, which I actually found to be pretty low. There are some moments that are capable of making the viewer squirm, but this is more a discomfort with the actions of the teen-aged boys than because of the blood, sex, or violence. (Don't get me wrong, this film HAS blood, sex, and violence, but it's really pretty peripheral to the story.)

Just before watching "deadgirl" (yes, that's how it's spelled in the end credits) I watched "End Of The Line." After the stupidity of EOTL, it was actually refreshing to watch an interesting and fairly well-made horror movie.

Recommended for those who like horror that's a bit out of the ordinary, but not because of excessive gore.
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