Play for Today: 'Nuts in May' (1976)
Season 6, Episode 12
Another droll character study by Mike Leigh in his early years
2 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I am a pretty sizable fan of Mike Leigh and his recent work. He's one of the few mainstream directors that I have faith in, to release quality and entertaining new material. I decided to go back to view his filmography that is available on DVD. I did not review the 2 that came before this, but those were nothing special. Long drawn out character studies with little to no plot. If you've seen one, you've seen them all. Especially when his first two dealt with nearly the same topics.

The write-up on IMDb for "Nuts In May" intrigued me. Leigh finally decided to stop focusing on depressing characters and moved to a conflict of a couple with inconsiderate visitors. I patiently waited throughout for a climax of any sort. A couple visits a camp, goes on a hike, discusses fossils, songs, vegetarianism, and some others I am probably forgetting. Along the way he meets up with a man who refuses to turn his radio down, then this man's friends also show up later. Our main characters freak out, get upset, and deflating scenario ensues. I am glad this was only 80 minutes. If I put 2 hours of my life into this for this type of ending and meandering plot, I would be upset. The film was only entertaining because of what I pictured or thought of, and HOPED would happen, especially knowing the films that came before. I was let down yet again. I must be masochistic to continue with these films. I'm curious now as to what point Leigh starts making quality cinema.

I would not recommend this film to anyone. Character studies have come after that trump it. Much better offbeat comedies exist. No reason to view this one. The high reviewed ratings baffle me. 10/10? This is by no means classic cinema or groundbreaking or memorable in a good way.
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