Beast Wars: Transformers (1996–1999)
It's more than meets the CGI
11 August 2009
What can I say about Beast Wars that has not already been said? It is an awesome example of a fun, entertaining yet cleverly written TV series that all ages can enjoy.

THe premise is similar to the 1984 original Transformers series. 2 team of robots from warring factions crash land on an unknown planet where they re-new their long standing feud. But from there, Beast Wars carves out an identity of its own that sets it apart from any Transformers series that came before, and after, it.

For starters, the writing is among the best there is, quite along the lines of the 90s Batman Animated series or Justice League. The story manages to balance a darker tone with humour and a sense of fun, without the show feeling campy. There is action, suspense, laughter, drama, emotion, the whole range. As we move along, plot points are resolved and more is revealed. Be prepared for a couple of unexpected twists.

The fact that there are a lot less characters in this show as compared to the original Transformers allows each character to be fully fleshed out and it allows the audience to grow to love each and everyone of those characters. Their interactions and relationships are a lot more entertaining than even the original Transformers. All this is further augmented by the amazing vocal talents that breathes life into the characters' lines. Truly, Beast Wars upholds the Transformers staple of highly interesting and lovable characters.

Season 1 may alienate some of the long time Transformers fans since it features none of the original Transformers characters, animal alternate modes instead of vehicles and a vastly different setting. For fans of the original, fret not. AS the show moves into its second season, there are more ties to the original series that are revealed, culminating in the big payoff in season 3.

THe CGI may seem dated when compared to computer animated TV series of today, but for something made in 1996, this is probably the best computer animation there was at the time.

Though I caught Beast Wars when it re-run long after i had watched other Transformers shows like Robots in Disguise, Micron Legend/Armada and the original, Beast Wars quickly grew to become my all time favorite series of Transformers.
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