Hanging on a string
4 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
**SPOILERS** WWII thriller that has to do with the Nazis trying to capture escaped from his Nazi-occupied Checkosolvakia amour plating expert Alex Bormasch, James Harcourt. Alex made his way out of Nazi controlled Checkosolvakia to England with his daughter, who missed the plane by being stuck in heavy traffic, Anna, Margaret Lockwood, being left behind. This all happens just before the of German invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939. Within days of the invasion both Engand and France declare war on the National Socialist, or Nazi for short, state.

Being sent to a Nazi concentration camp Anna is befriended by fellow Check inmate Karl Marsen, Paul Henreid, who helps her, as well as himself, break out of the place and sail to England. That all happened when the German Army Navy and Luftwaffe was too busy fighting the Poles to have anyone available to stop them. We soon find out that Marsen is really a Nazi spy who in turn gets the unsuspecting Anna to get her father out of hiding in the safety of jolly old England. This leads to both Anna and her father getting captured by a German U-Boat inside English waters. All that happening when Alex as well as Anne and that rat-fink Marsen went out a innocent moonlight fishing in the English Channal.

Back in Germany Alex Bomasch is now being forced, against his will, to reveal to the Nazis the secret behind his super armor plating formula that's to be used to reinforce the Nazi Siegfried Line. The British M15 send in their top secret agent, before James Bond, Nicky Randall using the allies Gustav Bennett, a Nazi officer in the transportation department, to rescue both Anna and her father.The tough and nails and very flexible and acrobatic Nicky is played played by an emaciated 98 pound looking Rex Harrison.

Catching the Nazi's completely flat footed Nicky ends up getting both Anna whom he fakes having an affair with, to throw the Nazis off guard, and her dad out of Germany. Nicky also gets help from British tourists Charters & Caldicott, Basil Redford & Naunton Wayne, who knew him back in England as a star cricket player and know that he's in fact not Gustav Bennett but one of the good guys; A fellow Englishman working undercover for the British Crown. Put on a train to Munich both Anna and her father are to be brought into the custody of the dreaded Gestapo whom that low down creep Marsen is a member of and in good standing with. The evil Gestapo are now ready willing and more then able to use every means at their disposal, even going so far as in torturing his daughter Anna, in order to get old man Bomasch to talk about his secret armor plating formula. Nicky by commandeering Marsen's government car has the trio-him Anna & her dad Alex-driven to the German Switzerland border where the only thing separating them from a stay at a Nazi concentration camp and freedom is a cable car taking them into neutral Switzerland!

***SPOILERS***Humdinger of an ending with Nicky doing all the heroics, as well as acrobatics, for King and Country, in order to get Alex as well as Anna to safety before Bennett, now a Captain in the Gestapo, can get his hands on them.

P.S The Hollywood film "Night Train to Munich" was made when the USA was technically at peace, or at least neutral, in the war between Germany and the western allies Britan and France. Still it showed where the US' heart really was in the film making the Germans the bad guys in the movie. Which may well have been one of the reasons, among many, why Hitler was always antagonistic towards the United States and its President FDR. In him feeling that FDR's ultimate goal was to come to Great Britian's, who was at the time under siege from the Nazi Juggernaut, aid! Both financially, like with the Lend Lease program, as well as militarily.

This could have also been why Hitler so eagerly as well as stupidly jumped at the chance to declare war on the US, after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, when he should have known better by him being engaged with both the UK and USSR at the time. This illogical act on Hitler's part, who's played in the movie by by Billy Russell, would lead to his and Nazi Germany's ultimate destruction. Which in fact it did some four years later in the spring of 1945!
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