Review of Taking Chance

Taking Chance (2009 TV Movie)
What is wrong with people?!
20 June 2009
To analyse this for its acting or deconstruct its camera angle and technique is to utterly miss the point. The undeniable truth of Taking Chance is that millions of people feel respect and gratitude to those brave enough to risk their lives for us. This movie is as much about them, as it is about the life a young marine who died young.

I'm the first person to argue against the propaganda of the Iraq war, or even Americas "Might is right" attitude, but those issues are utterly irrelevant to this movie.

This movie is about the respect and honour that everyone, from the lowliest baggage handler to the highest ranking officer should afford those who risk, and sometimes forfeit their lives in service of their country.

It doesn't matter whether the politicians are right or wrong - a footsoldier simply serves and trusts that his service is for the greater good, and for the protection of the freedoms that we enjoy.

This movie was incredibly moving, and when people call it boring or rant about its agenda, I have to ask if they have hearts of stone. Anyone with the minutest amount of human empathy can surely respect the tragedy of lives lost so young, even if you believe that they are misguided in their service.

What made this film so touching, was not the emotional journey of the escort, but the depiction of the genuine and heartfelt respect that ordinary Americans pay to the fallen. This was not contrived or made up. The average person has the humanity to put politics aside and honour the dead, and this movie was simply about that - the humanity and dignity and gratitude shown to the fallen.

I believe all war is wrong, and I despise Bush, but sometimes, unless we are to all roll over and hand our freedom over to those who do not share our values, soldiers such as Chance must go to war, and sometimes make the ultimate sacrifice. What is wrong with acknowledging and honouring that in a movie? America has fallen greatly in global opinion over the past decade, but this movie reminds me that ordinary Americans are compassionate, humane, decent people who, like the rest of us, have no control over those they elect to power, and only limited choices over whom to elect (if the elections are even run fairly in the first place).
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