Superman #4
17 May 2009
Arctic Giant, The (1942)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Fourth film in the original Paramount series borrows from THE LOST WORLD and KING KONG to create a mildly entertaining short. A Tyrannosaurus is found in the Arctic, brought back the New York City where it accidentally thaws out and goes on a rampage. Lois gets caught in the middle of the action but thankfully Superman is there to save the day. I somewhat enjoyed this short just because of how campy various items are. It goes without saying but plot points isn't a high mark for this series, at least not yet, but I found myself laughing and having a good time here. The dinosaur somehow thaws out in the matter of seconds and no reason is given for him still being alive but that just adds to the entertainment. I thought Superman destroyed him too easily but it was fun seeing the large monster tear through a dam and bridge.
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