Review of Outlaw

Outlaw (2007)
Will these idiots please make up their small minds already!
31 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Remember the good old days when revenge was sweet and vicious, when the hero hero was absolute in his convictions and dished it out to the sleaze-balls ten times worse than they gave, all the way down to the smallest weasel on the totem pole?

Outlaw starts well. Buttons are pushed and the protagonists get ready to do battle, then they change their minds, then it's back on, then off again. Then one of the characters reminds them that they're supposed to be a vigilante group so they kill(?) him.

Along the way, they go out of their way to let the audience know that radical Islam isn't on their hit list (way to keep your head from being used as a football, Mr. Director).

Meanwhile, I've switched allegiances and began to root for the villains.

I hate to say it but this movie reinforces stereotypes of 21st century Britain as a place with a lot of blustery swagger, crippled by political correctness and all around indecisiveness.

Charles Bronson R.I.P. This movie is no threat to your greatness.
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