Demons (2009)
Well this sucked
4 January 2009
What can you say about a show where a 20-second trailer for Dexter shown in the ad break was the best written part of the whole hour...

God, are British writers really THIS incapable of coming up with anything original? A mishmash of ideas stolen wholesale from other shows (most notably Buffy, Buffy, Supernatural and Buffy - if I were Whedon, my only reason for not suing would be pity for the makers over their lack of talent and the fact that all the stolen bits fell so horribly flat) combined with a flat script, flat characters, flat acting and exceptionally flat direction to create a highly underwhelming experience that felt like bad fanfiction or a very first draft of something had been filmed. And that's not even mentioning the panto-like non-scary villain.

You could see where the jokes, suspense and story were supposed to be, but none of them were there. The characters have no personalities, no relationships and no chemistry with each other and the hero's favourite (non-)reaction to everything seemed to be "mild bemusement", exhibited when he was told demons existed, when he was attacked by a demon, when he was told he was part of a long line of demon-killing types and was expected to fight demons, and when he was shown a huge secret underground library place. To be fair, though, he did dial it up to "a bit sad" and "somewhat agitated" in parts.

Oh, and memo to Gene Hunt. You are not an American. Stop pretending to be one.

In fact, that goes for the writers and producers too. You cannot create a hit fantasy series by stealing bits of American shows and trying to squash them together. Didn't work with Hex, doesn't work here. Either come up with something original or don't bother!
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