1 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I just saw this film for the first time tonight, and I must say, simply a piece of art. Where to begin? It starts with the voice of the narrator and what he had to say caught my attention from second one. It was intelligent and slightly ironic, the first hint, that the movie to come would have comedic elements. Moritz Bleibtreu, Alexandra Maria Lara, Anke Engelke and Uwe Ochsenknecht are extremely well cast. It's fun to watch them act out their scenes. The wonderful story of Eurydice and Orpheus first draws a thin red line throughout the movie, then becomes the movie. I cried for the first time, when Mimi (Bleibtreu) slowly takes one sleeping pill after another, after he had arranged them on the piano spelling "Venus". And then "he" hit me: Heino Ferch as the Hermaphrodite shooting like a golden torch through the sky and down to Greece, to guide Mimi's undying soul to the realms of the dead. Any other movie would have been ruined, because that would have been accidentally funny. But not this movie. Dietl simply made a caricature out of Hermes(Aphrodite). Problem solved. The rest was just moving. Venus wants to return to Mimi, but finds out too late that he's dead. She's desperate and throws herself down the well that portrays the connection between earth and underworld. She almost manages to bring Mimi back to life. But a stupid fight destroys their second chance, just like in the myth. The movie is well written, just as well cut and cinematically beautifully shot. And, for me the most important: it moved me deeply, I cried several times and it even managed to make me cry and laugh at the same time. An achievement that, to date, not many movies can account for. I can only suggest to watch this movie, if opportunity comes up. BUT: be open-minded, that's essential. Or else it will not show all of its facets to you, humble viewer.
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