Am I the only one who knows the "Classic" hype is total propaganda?!?!
24 December 2008
Okay, I was a teenager in 1983 when this movie came out. Let me tell you, NO ONE was talking about this movie, and I mean NO ONE. It was an invisible little movie that meant very little to anyone.

Fast forward 10 years, and see advertisements INSISTING it was "the Christmas classic you loved as a child!". Well, it wasn't. And it isn't. Yet, the marketers and TV stations obstinately still go on insisting that it is!

This movie is proof of one thing, and one thing only. That if you repeat a lie long enough, and loudly enough, people will eventually believe it.

The lie is that this movie was EVER a classic! It isn't. It wasn't. It's a poor, tired, unhappy excuse for a TV Christmas move, and anyone who thinks otherwise can not think for themselves, but instead allows ideas to be put into their heads by advertising.

There, I've said it. I've been wanting to say that for 15 years!
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