House of Saddam (2008– )
Reign of Terror
18 December 2008
In my view, this miniseries is an excellent portrayal of Saddam Hussein's reign of terror. The actors' performances were excellent.

However, in my view, the full extent of Uday's ruthlessness was not completely explored and portrayed in this miniseries.

For example, Uday was known to rape brides on their wedding day (one groom then shot himself that very day).

Also, Uday was known to rape girls as young as 12 years of age. If their fathers protested, Uday threatened their very lives. In addition, Uday was known to prowl Iraqi streets in search of women. When he saw a woman he liked, he would shoot her male companion, and then kidnap the female.

Furthermore, Uday was notorious for torturing Iraqi soccer players who lost games and anyone who he considered a foe. When he was a teen, Uday killed a teacher who had the audacity to reprimand the rambunctious firstborn son of the Iraqi dictator. Such atrocities should have been included in the miniseries.

After viewing this miniseries, it certainly puts things in proper perspective. The liberal media and "Bush haters" like to forget the mass graves and the countless innocents who were brutally raped and murdered by Hussein and his supporters. Judging by media outlets such as NBC and the New York Times, once would think a peaceful, contributing member of the world community was suddenly overthrown by a rogue nation. I choose NOT to forget the unfortunate souls who were brutalized under Hussein.

History will smile on President Bush's decision to liberate the Iraqi people from this ruthless murderer. This miniseries clearly demonstrates this assertion.

Nevertheless, HBO's "House of Saddam" was done quite well, and I enjoyed it very much.
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