Rohit is a perfect example of selfishness
16 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I must confess, this is one of the best Indian films I seen in a long while, I saw it yesterday and thought I should comment on it. I've not seen Kramer vs Kramer so I cant really compare it's however similar to "Double platinum" where a woman(Diana Ross) left her daughter(Brandy Norwood) and husband to follow her singing career because the husband wouldn't support her although in this case the husband was not a singer. My view of the movie is however different from that of most commentators here. I don't see Kiran as selfish at all. I think she did the best for herself at that time or else she could turn nuts. On the other hand I however see the man as selfish, what brought two of them together in the first place was their singing and Rohit himself said they could climb the ladder of fame together but after marriage? He became concerned with himself alone and even refused the chance to give her demo to a music director. It shows that all he said before marriage was just a plot to get her. The woman loving and believing in him married him even against her parents' wish, she even stayed in the marriage for 7years believing one day he would change. The way I see it I feel Rohit should have repented of his selfishness too, even though they tried to show this when he was talking to his son about why his mother left (Acknowledged his own selfishness) but later scenes showed he didn't change, when Kiran got him a job as a music director(showing that all this while she never stopped thinking about him) he clearly told her that he wanted his success to be his own alone without the help of the woman and refused the offer, that's an outstanding show of selfishness and it is clear that that was what he wanted all along, remember before they were married it was "we could do this and that" and after marriage it became "I want to achieve this and that" the movie never showed that he repented for this and I believe he should. The only consolation was the fact that he had to sell those songs and he never became the man of his dreams fine that's what should become of a selfish man but he didn't regret it. One outstanding thing however was that unlike the movie "Double Platinum" he made sure the son always loved his mother. I give him kudos for that. The court scenes were absolutely wonderful and despite been a man I was moved to tears myself but what I would like to say here is that even though Rohit's lawyer was only doing his job and has to use every weapon in his arsenal it must be clear that both of them failed in the relationship. A husband should support his wife's dream too but he became engulfed in only his own. Another thing is that saying Kiran has failed in all her major relationship was very unfair of Rohit's lawyer putting in mind that she left her parents to marry him showing how selfless she really is. Even though at the end of the day she came to realize that it is the relationship that really matters. I do too but one thing should be clear she would have remained a very unhappy woman and probably driven to suicide if she had stayed. Rohit must also come to understand the right of every woman to a career too and also learn to think about others along with himself too.. On the whole the movie is an excellent one and a must watch for every couple.
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