2 December 2008
Divine Woman, The (1928)

This film is sadly lost but there are nine minutes available for viewing and these sometimes turn up on Turner Classic Movies. The nine minutes available have a soldier (Lars Hanson) getting ready to leave for war but first stops by to see the woman (Greta Garbo) he loves. Being a Sjostrom/Garbo teaming you know film buffs everywhere would love for a complete print to turn up but I'd rather have these nine minutes than nothing at all. There's not too much we can really tell from such a short section of a movie but I would say that you could view this as a one-reeler and it would be very entertaining. Both Garbo and Hanson appear to be in fine form and there's a nice visual style as well. I'm not sure what the history is behind this film or how this one fragment is still available but the quality is very nice so hopefully the rest will turn up at some point.
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