Hancock (2008)
Waste of Will Smith and Charlize Theron
28 November 2008
I like Will Smith, I like Charlize Theron, I didn't like the movie Hancock.

Will Smith plays a thoroughly unlikeable drunken, rude, nasty super hero who is just a plain S.O.B. He flies around drunk, mops up criminals and destroys property in the process.

The film makes no sense at all. What is the point? Where is the plot? The film has an unfinished feel, as if it's merely an idea that was never fleshed out, or more likely, no one wanted to work on it. Will Smith seems terribly bored in the film. So does Charlize Theron. It's as if they did the film only for the money. Where is Will Smith's charm? Certainly not in this film.

The film is PG13 but it's violent for kids.

Charlize Theron is wasted in this film.

Even the title is stupid.

The film is so worthless it's not worth my time to write any kind of review as there is nothing to say about this film.

Avoid at all costs.
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