"You want happy ending?"
31 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers

If you want "happy ending", then don't look here. Trailer Park of Terror (based on a comic book of the same name) is one big heapful of wasted potential. The film starts off really good and has kind of a Devil's Rejects meets Dead and Breakfast vibe to it. It has several actors who were in Rejects (Lew Temple and Priscilla Barnes), and a few who should have been (Duane Whitaker and Tracey Walter). It also has this really cool rockabilly troubadour guy that reminds me of some of the best moments in Dead and Breakfast. The film looks great and it's clear that someone behind the camera knows what they are doing as well as those out in front. Unfortunately, after the intro the film becomes the standard teen movie where the interesting characters take a back seat to the same group of kids you see in every horror movie out now. The storyline also takes a nosedive. What Trailer Park turns out to be is another version of 2000 Maniacs (they even make reference to this), only not as much fun as Tim Sullivan's remake. The plot is identical. So if you've seen 2001 Maniacs you will certainly feel Deja Vu should you decide to watch this flick. I've always said that watching a movie that doesn't live up to its potential is worse than watching something that is out and out crap. Trailer Park of Terror continues to make my case.
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