Am I slow or what.........
3 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I caught this show by complete accident, hadnt a clue what to expect. Yes, three main characters.. all played so well I didn't think about it apart from how true to life they were. I think its BBC3 that showed them, some back to back, so I caught up as I watched, and.. how very clever. Never heard of the star, but hes obviously very talented. Someone has knocked Neighbours in this section, it may be a generation thing. Yes, this is a mockumentary, but likely very real. I'm not sure when I started to suspect similarities, but I think it was the eyes. The girl, taller than the others, an obvious leader of girls..absolutely spot on, the class rebel of I presume 'abo' origin.. so hes going to be fighting back all the time, and the Drama teacher with ideas above his station, who has to be a child star who never made it... everything about them to me worked. Yes, the eyes.. I had to read the credits to confirm my suspicions. Well, thanks late night BBC multichannel, or I may never have seen it.Or was it on before, I don't know. But so well done? The school production, better than your average I would have said, and the attempt at making the head teachers squirm.. but they didn't. I was very impressed, saw one twice. It just works? 'She' works.. it all did. So, clever man. Pulled it off completely. Maybe there is such language spoken in school these days, but it seemed in place. Thats why I get annoyed at warnings of bad language before some programmes. And sometimes its pathetic. If its late night, its become acceptable in the UK. My query is with the mid evening series being shown earlier with the odd questionable word in there.. no one seems to mind. Maybe no ones watching.
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