Wolverine and the X-Men (2008–2009)
Best superhero cartoon in a long time!
31 July 2008
I caught a screening of the first three episodes of "Wolverine & the X-Men" at this year's Comic Con and although my expectations for the series were quite low, I found myself pleasantly surprised. I shouldn't give away too much, but I will say that despite being aimed primarily at children, "Wolverine & the X-Men" deals with some adult issues that will make the show appeal to an older audience while still being appropriate for the little ones. The violence is kept to a minimum, though the action is still exciting. Despite the numerous action sequences, there are plenty of moments of humor so things never get too overly serious. Thankfully, the the jokes aren't corny. They are actually quite funny as opposed to a lot of the jokes in X-Men: The Last Stand. I have to admit I can't remember if anyone on the Comic Con panel mentioned if "Wolverine & the X-Men" is supposed to exist inside the continuity of any of the live-action films, though there were several references to live-action films being a bit of an influence on the show, especially in terms of how the excellent voice work is done. Like the films, the main story is relatively faithful to the comics. The characters look similar to the way the characters are drawn in the comics with some understandable changes. Those who are fans of the comics or just fans of the movies shouldn't be disappointed. Based on what I've seen...8/10. This is the best superhero cartoon in a long time.
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