Mystery!: Cadfael: One Corpse Too Many (1994)
Season 1, Episode 1
Mass, not Vespers
26 July 2008
I watched the first four episodes of the first season in reverse order, taking this one last. As the first in the series, I should have done it first. Clearly four times the effort went into it and it has twice the runtime. This allows them to follow something of the structure of the better written versions. In that form, one discovery leads to another and another. It isn't a matter of one mystery and a side story as we have in the following episodes (and 99% of all TeeVee).

So I think I will recommend this. Its still pretty thin on the detective side, but good enough to give an excuse for the costumes and slightly different culture. The gimmick is to provide some historical context. Mainstream TeeVee mystery has evolved in a manner that does not allow the primary mechanism of the detective novel — where you try and outwit the writer. Instead, our minds have to be captured other ways, more simple because the attention has to span those cursed commercials.

The girls in their costumers are lovely.

Ted's Evaluation -- 3 of 3: Worth watching.
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