Blow Out (1981)
A car wreck of a movie
23 July 2008
It is no secret that I can't stand Brian DePalma's movies so it's no surprise that I can't stand Blow Out. John Travolta plays a sound engineer who happens to be out one night recording live sounds when he witnesses a car crash off a bridge into the river. He dives in and rescues the female passenger, Nancy Allen, who is a hooker. From that point on Travolta discovers why she was in the car, who was in the car with her, and who is behind the efforts to get rid of him and Allen.

Unfortunately, DePalma puts ridiculous lines into the mouths of his actors. Nancy Allen shifts from scene to scene. In one she seems likes a total idiot but in the next seems more intelligent. This makes her character unbelievable. John Travolta isn't that bad in the film; at least his character is consistent.

There are some ridiculous scenes like a car chase through a parade which comes across as silly.

John Lithgow plays a psychopath and his character is the most ridiculous of all.

I even found the music ridiculous; it doesn't match what is happening in the film.

Blow Up this garbage.
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