December Boys (2007)
Surely Watchable
24 May 2008
Not many ppl liked this one but i found it surely watchable though i agree completely it could have been a lot better.This one was mainly in t news because of harry potter daniel radcliffe in a 'so unlike' harry potter role. Full marks to him for shedding his image nd trying something as experimental as this.This trail of four adolescent orphans celebrating a vacation in a picturesque location in Australia waiting to be recognised.Their rivalry nd brotherhood at t same time nd various teenage activities are real enough to make us nostalgic.But there r some loose ends where u simply cannot explain t actions of t leading characters as real.And t ending is a big let down making a few wonder 'wats t point'.But u can accept a few blemishes in t editing nd script to walk down t memory lane one more time
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