Ex Drummer (2007)
Weirdness taken one step too far
20 May 2008
"Ex Drummer" starts out great. The setting and plot are so wacky it's a delight. The characters alternately amuse and shock you with their actions. The movie has been described as a "Trainspotting" for the new millennium and while the comparison isn't totally fitting, "Ex Drummer" shares the run down cast of freaks with the Ewan McGregor vehicle.

The first half is totally brilliant, original, refreshing and with a great soundtrack as the icing on the cake. In the second half, however, the movie loses some of its wit. It's there that you realize that "Ex Drummer" isn't really going anywhere, although it all started so promising. Characters just hit, abuse and swear at each other for no apparent reason and it all becomes a bit tiring.

The movie's ending is rather anti-climatic. The credits role and you're left puzzled, feeling that this could have made a much bigger impact on you, if the story had gone somewhere else. Maybe that's not the movie's fault but the fault of the novel, which it is based upon.

In the end "Ex Drummer" is a refreshing example of non-American film-making. It will leave you with your mouth open more than just a few times. Unfortunately, the beginning promises more than the rest of the movie can keep. Still, "Ex Drummer" is a must-see. One of the most unusual movies of the past ten years.
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