Play for Today: 'Nuts in May' (1976)
Season 6, Episode 12
Mike Leigh & Co are a genius
17 May 2008
I've just had the pleasure of watching Abigail's Party again. It was very powerful, and I wondered if I should comment on that film, but decided that the original idea of commenting on Nuts In May was the right way to go.

What can I say about Nuts In May? This film is a is a perennial favourite. And let me reiterate 'film' - unlike Abigail's Party the whole of this looks like it was shot on film. Not that I'm denigrating the filming of Abigail's Party, that was great too.

Call it mad, but I think Nuts In May is on a level with Raging Bull, and visceral character studies of that nature; even though it seems so mundane on the surface, it is in fact a seething series of tableaux of petty minded and petit-bourgeois preconceptions.

But then again, Keith is a noble and heroic figure, one that you find yourself rooting for again and again. Alison Steadman is surprisingly good in her role as the passive-aggressive wife who just wants to experience a life outside the confines of her cosy Keith-life, for once, I only say that because it's so radically different from her signature role in Abigail's Party.

I must agree with that guy who didn't understand the film at all: why does it end with a pig? Anyway, that's enigmatic, and we don't criticise David Lynch for it, do we?
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