3 May 2008
"Cassandra's Dream" was worse than I was told by our leading critics after Venice. I saw it at an exhibitor's preview where critics were allowed in: there were two people left at the end of the screening, me (and I have mobility problems) and an exhibitor who had agreed to give me a lift, and abused me all the way home for making him sit though it.

Has it been reedited since then? That was late last year.

There's not a heck of a lot more I can add to pad this out to 10 lines.

The acting was fine.

The Cinematography excellent.

The script stank, which was the problem.

Could somebody please tell us down under if this debacle was changed before release, as it appears to have been from the other posts? At the moment, it is headed for direct for DVD release later this year here, which would be a pity if the film was improved.
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