Fun Run With Fatboy
26 March 2008
Simon Pegg is back, this time as a fatboy, with a new gang, in David Schwimmer's 'Run Fatboy Run'. Schwimmer has already gained recognition as a very talented comedy actor in the famous (and one of my all time favorite) sitcom 'Friends'. He tried his hand in direction with a couple of episodes of 'Friends' and 'Joey' and a few films. With 'Run Fatboy Run' he proves that he's a very capable director and does a brilliant job here. Being an American, I wonder how he studied the Brit humour as he does a great job giving the film the right Brit charm (of course with good collaboration from the actors and screenplay).

'Run Fatboy Run' fits into a category which I have freely termed 'Little British Movies' (other movies fitting into this category include 'Kinky Boots', 'Calender Girls', 'Billy Elliot' etc). These movies are about people from an ordinary background facing ordinary problems and tackling them with extraordinary results. Unlike the other films, 'Run Fatboy Run' relies more on slapstick (just think of 'Shaun of the Dead') but the dialogues too have the sharp wit and smart humour that make this a charming film. The story pretty much follows a 'tested' formula where the goofy guy tries to win back his ex-fiancée (whom he dumped at the alter) after the entry of a rival and when means fail, he decides to take somewhat drastic measures like run a marathon. But, what makes turns this formula into something new is that it is cleverly parodied (again, think of 'Shaun of the Dead').

Pegg stands out doing what he does best. His comic timing is impeccable and his expressions will surely draw laughs. The actor prevents any of the comedy that might have fallen flat (had it been performed by a lesser actor) by making his scenes amusing and entertaining. It's great to see the sensational Thandie Newton play a Brit after a long time. Even though her character is pretty much the typical love interest, she does a good job nonetheless. Hank Azaria is fits the bill as the nice-guy-we-should-hate. He brilliantly spoofs up his part towards the end. Dylan Moran is spot on as the cynical goofy friend. Harish Patel is hilariously phenomenal as the landlord-mentor-friend. Watch out for the pleasantly surprising cameos.

The camera-work is very good and the makers make good use of the photogenic park locations in London by making them look colourful and beautiful. The whimsical soundtrack too adds to the light-heartedness.

Overall, 'Run Fatboy Run' is genuinely funny. It has all the ingredients finely put together to make it a successful comedy. It works as a great date movie, a fun family film and a cool comedy to watch with friends.
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