Review of The Life

The Life (2004)
A call for respect, not for pity
11 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
It is refreshing to see a movie that approaches the sex industry from a matter of fact point of view, neither presenting a case for or against the profession, but merely letting the women (and men) speak for themselves. It's a shame that what is essentially a documentary had to be interlaced with the frankly pointless nod at the commercial market of including the uninspiring fictional Hannah/Richards subplot, something which ruins rather than enhances a movie that has very little technical merit of its own, but solely succeeds through the testimonies of the people that live and work in the industry. Some of the reviewers here have commented on the glamourising of prostitution, and this movie offers only a short glimpse of the sad underworld of the ladies that are forced or cheated into selling their bodies. But although this movie does acknowledge that aspect of prostitution, what it does better is explain how, despite the concept being unconceivable to so many 'normal' people, many if not most women that go into prostitution do so of their own free will, find it a very financially (and often mentally and physically) rewarding profession, and the only misery they really suffer is not directly from their work, but from the rejection that society thrusts upon them. Those that are involved in prostitution find it governs their lives, for good or for bad. Those that are not, ignore or condemn the practice. What this movie offers is a cry from sex workers not for help or pity, which is something only those in the most desperate of cases need, but a cry to be respected and accepted for what they do. Yo, Puta is no cinematic masterpiece. Essentially all it offers is a series of sex workers (and some clients) speaking about what they do. Where it succeeds is that despite the simplicity of the production, it is dealing with a subject that naturally enthralls - and that includes women that may never dream of ever having sex for money, but can't help but have a curious fascination to know what it would be like. It's one of the easiest ways in the world that a woman can make money, but at the same time one of the most difficult. This movie is worth 5 points at best, but from somebody who is trying to cope with the fact that his own girlfriend is an escort girl, and has learned so much that is both good and bad about a world he never knew, this was essential viewing for understanding what goes through her mind, and therefore gets a full 10.
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