Flight 29 Down (2005–2007)
Lost for kids
24 February 2008
Although they're meant for very different audiences, it's hard not to compare Flight 29 Down to Lost: both shows were filmed on the island of Oahu, both have characters with similar traits (for example, F29D's Taylor bears quite a bit of a resemblance to Lost's resident spoiled brat Shannon and Lex shares some of the qualities belonging to Lost's Locke and Sayid) and the general premise of each show is similar (people surviving a plane crash on a tropical island). With all of these similarities, there has been lots of discussion on whether or not F29D is a Lost rip-off and the fact that F29D began to air fairly soon after Lost (about 13 months later), certainly lends even more proof to back up this claim. Perhaps the creator of F29 D wanted to ride on the coattails of one of the biggest TV shows on the air? Having said all of that, F29D is a fairly enjoyable show for anyone who's into Disney and Nickelodeon shows like Hannah Montana, That's So Raven and Zoey 101. There's a fairly nice mix of action and comedy and the teen drama isn't too dark. I prefer the real Lost to this Disney-ized version, but for the kids and pre-teens, there should be enough here to keep them entertained until they're ready to graduate to the adult version.
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