Review of Irina Palm

Irina Palm (2007)
24 February 2008
I rented this film because it had received great reviews by Norwegian newspapers and so on, 5 and 6 eyes of the dice. And further on I thought this film would be typical British in terms of showing how something "exciting" like a sex club could be funny and not exotic at all, like they did in Full Monthy.

The first sign that this wasn't the movie I expected came in the opening where there was a music so depressing that could kill all enthusiasm. And it continued all through the film. After half an hour where we had been shown how miserable this middle-aged lady was and what she was willing to go through to save her grandchild I thought that something was going to happen, that the film would turn around. But it never did. This story could be told in 15 minutes, there is no reason to make it longer than that. You might think that making it as long as it was was to show the depth of the characters and what they went through, but they weren't even close to give this any deeper meaning or emotion. I really think they went too far in describing the misery. For example the behavior of the people in the bank. Nobody in a bank talk to a customer like that, not even close.

And at the sex club they play the one song over and over again, and she's so good jerking them off that they stand in lines so long that they would probably had to wait an hour to be jerked off, and that hour had to be spent in between other horny males...come on, this was so exaggerated and stupid that I was embarrassed.

I could not recommend this movie. Normally I like different and odd films, but this was just dull and depressing without any deeper message.
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