Star Trek: Enterprise: Precious Cargo (2002)
Season 2, Episode 11
The First Monarch of Krios Prime
13 January 2008
The Enterprise receives a distress call from a Retellian cargo vessel and the crew tells Captain Archer that they have problem with the life support system of an alien that is transported in a cocoon. Trip goes to the alien ship to repair the system while Goff and Plinn come to Enterprise to have a shower and meal. Trip sees a beautiful woman in the cocoon that suddenly wakes-up, and Trip tries to help her to leave the spot. However, Trip is attacked by Goff, who leaves Plinn in the Enterprise and escapes with Trip and the woman. She introduces herself to Trip as Kaitaama, the First Monarch of Krios Prime, and she tells that she had been abducted by the Retellians that asked for a ransom. Trip decides to escape in the pod and convinces Kaitaama to come with him.

"Precious Cargo" is a funny episode, and Trip recalled me Captain Kirk from "Star Trek" again, seducing another female alien. The unpleasant character of the gorgeous Padma Lakshmi actually did not need a consultation with Dr. Phlox to relieve her sexual tension with the presence of Trip. The Retellian Goff is easily lured by Archer and T'Pol, but I liked this episode. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): "Carga Preciosa" ("Precious Cargo")
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