Spoiler - on Rosanna Arquette's segment / character.
9 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Having not read the book, I have seen this movie twice and what I found to be very interesting was the emotionally driven and unbelievably heart-touching segment in which Rosanna Arquette learns about the Jewish ritual of body-washing, as a preparation of the body of young Tiffany for the grave.

This was beautifully integrated into what was let's be completely honest here, an extremely mis-directed movie that had too many characters, too many plot or story-lines, forcing the audience into visual, emotional, and auditory direction to the main topic of the film: DEATH.

Being completely candid, I did not find as great a talent and actress in Rosanna Arquette in her early career. "Desperately Seeking Susan" and "After Hours" are examples of this. It's been a wonderful journey to see her develop as an actress having become who she is today and still she seems to be overlooked for better roles.

On the flip side, I have enjoyed her documentary projects, "All We Are Saying", on music and musicians as well as, "Searching for Debra Winger", on the reality of older female actresses and the sometimes lack of available decent roles in film.

In agreement with someone else's comment here on IMDb, she seems to be partnered up with some bad choices for movies / films. And yet in her role in this film as in many others, it seems no matter how mixed up or lacking in deep character development the role might be, she always brings something to each role. And I would add, her abilities and talents have grown through the years - she gets better and better.

I wish there had been fewer "storylinesssss" and better character development. As far as being a film that dealt with death as a main character - it definitely did it's job there. Having seen many in my own family (and friends) die, in my lifetime, there are a great deal of occurrences, issues, scenes, directions in the film - to which I completely relate.

But as many others have stated, it's difficult to tolerate the lack of correlation amongst / between characters; way too much to have to "fix" or bring inherent value for tie-it-together meaning, as simply an audience member.

To close - my favorite actor: Rosanna Arquette

Favorite topic: Jewish Ritual body-washing

... this was somewhat educational for me and although I do not personally know anyone who has done this or participated in the ceremony, I found it heart-wrenchingly moving. For this segment alone - I would recommend just that over the entire movie any day.

Vote: Rosanna Arquette deserves a 10... no vote on others or the film.
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