*yawn* what a lame movie
9 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I went to see this movie, having heard nothing about it before. I did not even know how Nora Tsch... is. Anyway, it starts out rather amusingly, but keeps on getting worse and worse: it is extremely predictable and most of the time we are to admire how perfect Til Schweiger is. In fact, I am asking myself why they chose 'Keinohrhasen' as a title instead of 'Til Schweiger is awesome' or something similar.

I really do not care if movies are realistic, but at least they need to be plausible and this movie fails. We have Mr Ueber-Cool Ludo, who does mind blackmailing people left and right in order to get his story. He treats women like crap and apparently has a history of abusive behavior. However, despite all these traits, he is perfect with children as well?! The way he acts around kids and his skills in handling them is in no way consistent with his other behavior.
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