Funny as a Crutch
28 December 2007
Wallace Beery (as Ned Trumpet) is a World War II blimp aviator; his unbelievable war stories have helped earn him the nickname "Old Gas Bag". Though he was never a husband or (presumably) father, Mr. Berry's stories include bragging about the exploits of his talented son; probably, this is to compete with bickering Navy man James Gleason (as Jimmy Shannon). In one of an unbelievable series of happenstances, Berry meets an fatherless young man, Tom Drake (as Jess Weaver), who makes an ideal son.

Trouble is, Mr. Drake's character is unable to walk without crutches; so, the crippled man doesn't match the son in Berry's stories. While the film scores points for the inclusion of a disabled character; ultimately, it presents the condition as unworkable. Certainly, Mr. Drake's disability provided him with heroics enough too impress Berry and his Navy friends. The dramatics are highlighted by a couple of exciting battles involving Berry's war blimp; the Japanese submarine attack is particularly good. The best comic scenes are near the end; when, in India, Berry is reunited with a friendly old elephant.

***** This Man's Navy (1/4/45) William A. Wellman ~ Wallace Beery, Tom Drake, James Gleason
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