A romantic comedy with depth
24 November 2007
Something's Gotta Give is essentially a romantic comedy but there is much more to this film than the usual string of comic misunderstandings all wrapped up with a fairytale ending. Harry Sanborn, played by the irrepressible Jack Nicholson, is an ageing Hip Hop producer who can normally be found living the New York city high life with a string of glamorous twenty something beauties. His life is turned around when he goes to spend the weekend with one such beauty. A misunderstanding leads to the girls mother Erica (Diane Keaton) and aunt gatecrashing the party. All four reluctantly agree to spend the weekend together. Harry and Erica take an apparent instant dislike to each other. Harry is threatened by Erica's wit and intelligence and Erica finds Harry's attitudes toward the fairer sex repugnant.The film changes direction and really begins to take shape when Harry's amorous ways lead to a heart attack. Erica becomes his reluctant nursemaid and the plot develops from that point.

Jack Nicholson is essentially playing himself but does a fine job of things regardless. Diane Keaton is amazingly good as the repressed divorcée who has closed herself off from life and love. Keanu Reeves and Amanda Peet give solid supporting performances as the doctor who takes a shine to Erica and Erica's daughter respectively. The film has much to say about relationships and the rules we impose upon ourselves. Harry refuses to entertain the idea of dating someone over 30 and Erica considers it foolish to date anyone younger than herself. Many men and women alike will relate to these attitudes. We are all aware of the different standards imposed on men and women in our society and this film does put an unusual twist on the familiar theme of Agrippa relationships. The underlying message seems to be that in matters of the heart it pays to have an open mind. This film has much more depth than your average romantic comedy but for those who find its message a little too close to home this can be simply enjoyed as a very funny and touching romantic film.
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