Sublime (2007 Video)
1 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched this movie last night and it was s**t. Don't get me wrong, the premise was really good, and if you ever wanted to see the blistering downward spiral of iatrogenic disease, it will definitely give it to you.

To begin, the movie is headed by Thomas Cavanagh. He carried himself very well in a supporting role as Zach Brath's brother on Scrubs, however as a leading man, he stunk. His confident-yet-sheepish (or sheepish-yet-confident...whatever) wit and personality can only take him so far. His dialog is often cliché and just not interesting.

The whole movie was actually not interesting at all. Half the movie is just contrived jibba-jabba to explain the plot. It gives it an overall feel that the whole movie is a dream but **oh no, spoiler warning** it's not. The main character goes in for a routine colonoscopy and the doctor screws up. At the party the night before, someone mentions Thoracoscopic Sympathectomy and blamo, the doctor screws up and does that procedure instead of a colonoscopy. Then he ends up with a staph infection from a small cut that he some how got when being sat in a wheel chair. He later ends up with gangrene. For some reason, the wound was never wrapped up and just had exposed, pusing lesions. Apparently, no one cared enough to take care of it, so they amputate the leg...without his consent, let alone his knowledge of it. All the while, there is this crazy orderly that is over medicating him with heavy doses of morphine and other things. He then starts mutilating him with something that looks like poultry shears for a reason that I don't know. Either they never explained it, or I stopped paying attention by then.

He eventually gets too medicated and becomes catatonic. He remembers his wife telling him that if you see yourself hit the ground when you're falling in a dream, you'll really die. So, he does that, and he dies. And no one gives a f**k.

The end
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