Full of It (2007)
Enjoyable and entertaining
30 October 2007
Let's start off with the fact that I am not a movie-critic or whatsoever. However, I do watch a lot, I mean a LOT of movies in every genre there is. The one thing I have learned is that you know beforehand what you can expect from a movie to a certain extend. You don't know whether it will be good or bad exactly, but you do know whether it is "Oscar" material or not. Well, I never for a moment suspected this film to be anything more than a weak copy of American Pie 1 through 15 or any other teen-comedy out there. And here comes the surprise: it was more... Sometimes you just don't want forced plot-twists, mysterious characters or surrealistic worlds, but just sheer entertainment in a movie.

The movie starts off with an over-the-top Brady Bunch act-a-like family (only one kid though, but he can replace all the Brady kids in one). Of course the kid feels embarrassed for his family, from the moment he notices that this "being nice" and "love your parents in a over-the-top manner" is not really falling into the category "cool" at his new school. He realizes that with a "little" lie here and there, he can make his life a lot more interesting and maybe even belong to the cool kids eventually. I know for sure that nearly everyone exaggerated or maybe even lied in school, making there lives more colored and exciting than they really were. People want to belong, that's human nature. Imagine if everything you have exaggerated about, would come true... Well that is exactly what this movie is about and this is, to me, what makes this movie enjoyable.

There are a lot of jokes in this movie, and of course there are ones that are just not funny and ones that you can see coming from a mile away. But what do you expect from this type of film? All in all there are enough humorous moments in this movie, and even the moralistic ending of this movie (also no surprise) could not spoil the fun I had watching "Full of it". So, if you are looking for a fun film with some good laughs which you don't have to think about too much, watch this movie; it's entertaining. And that, to me, is still the most important...
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