Winter Kills (1979)
John Houston Kept the Film Alive
13 October 2007
This is a very interesting film about a president that was assassinated and nineteen years later the killer admits to this killing in front of his brother Nick Kegan,(Jeff Bridges). Nick also learns where the weapon that killed his brother was hidden and goes to Philadelphia, Pa to locate this rifle. Nick then proceeds to tell his father, Pa Kegan,(John Huston) about his findings, and he then instructs his son to investigate this new evidence and seek out different people to learn more about who planned this plot against his son Timothy Kegan. It seems that Nick gets the run-around wherever he goes and runs into all kinds of people, namely: Richard Boone, Sterling Hayden and Anthony Perkins who all give outstanding supporting roles. If you look real close, you will even see Elizabeth Taylor as a cameo. There is plenty of nudity and foul language and some torrid sex scenes. It was also a big surprise to see Dorothy Malone playing the role of Jeff Bridges mother, who was out of her mind in this film.
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