Review of End Game

End Game (2006)
Christa Campbell's lips
11 October 2007
This film premiered at the Ft. Lauderdale Film Festival and then dropped out of sight, not opening in theaters, but going straight to video. Probably a wise choice. It is good enough for video and TV, but not quite good enough for the screen. It just doesn't have that something extra to make it a great film, but it is not a total waste of time, either.

I have to admit that I tuned in to see Christa Campbell, who plays the President's mistress. I didn't get to see anything more than her lips talking into the telephone. Big disappointment, but hey, it's Christa. It will keep me satisfied until my copy of Death By Engagement arrives.

It is the first I have seen of Cuba Gooding, Jr. in a long time, and he did a good job. Plenty of action as he goes after those responsible for the assignation of the President. Angie Harmon, one of the best Assistant DAs on Law and Order, was great as his partner in solving the mystery of who killed the President. Certainly an interesting twist to the usual assignation plot.

Always like seeing Anne Archer, and she was classy as a First lady. James Woods and Burt Reynolds had small but interesting parts.
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