Review of Teen Lust

Teen Lust (1978)
For Kirstin Baker fans only (and even they should probably stick to "Friday the 13th Part II")
8 October 2007
This movie has appeared under a dizzying array of alternative titles ("Police Academy Girls", "Teen Lust", "The Girl Next Door") all in an effort to tie it to bigger-budget and more popular sex comedies like "Porkie's or "Police Academy". In fact, this is a rather tame sex comedy made by a lot of the same people involved in "Gas Pump Girls". But where that movie was about a bunch of sexy, recent high-school graduates trying to show up their chauvinist boyfriends and skeptical parents by running a gas station, THIS movie is about a group of sexy, recent high-school graduates trying to show up their chauvinist boyfriends and skeptical parents by becoming ride-along police cadets. So will they have lots of zany adventures? Will they take their tops (and sometimes their bottoms) off? Will they ultimately succeed while finding true love? And will a bear, totally left to his own devices, really defecate in the woods?

The main, nay, the only reason to see this movie is Kirstin Baker. Who's Kirstin Baker, you ask? Well, she was the first camp counselor to decide to go for a naked moonlight swim in Camp Crystal Lake in "Friday the 13th Part II" (thus injecting some much needed full-frontal nudity into the franchise). To give you an idea of her main appeal, she is introduced in THAT movie with a close-up of her impossibly tight and impossibly short "short-shorts" as she walks away from the camera. That's also the main appeal of pretty much all the girls in THIS movie--they all "dare wear" (and sometimes not wear) "short-shorts", or go topless for extended periods. As in "Gas Pump Girls" Baker's nude scenes are actually pretty tame and brief compared to her fellow actresses, no doubt because(hard as it may be to believe for someone who has seen "Friday the 13th II")she was by far the most talented actress of the lot.

Naturally this movie is not as good as "Friday" (although it's better than "Gas Pump Girls"), partly because there's not nearly enough of Kirstin Baker on display, but mostly because Jason isn't around to kill off the rest of these insufferable, idiot characters.
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