Review of Outlaw

Outlaw (2007)
Absolutely awful
2 October 2007
Nick Love continues to tarnish the British Film Industry (while working completely outside of it) with another kick-to-the-balls of a film. It's hard to imagine how you could possibly go wrong with a vigilante film starring Sean Bean and Bob Hoskins, but the script is absolute bargain basement. Substituting any form of characterisation for pointless bouts of nasty violence, its hard to see what attracted any talent to this rubbish. You spend the entire film wondering why the characters really do behave the way they do as well as trying to focus your eyes on horribly shot and lit digital video. Love seems to think that by yanking the camera all over the place gives a sense of gritty realism. Well it doesn't. This film is like a Daily Mail readers wet dream. Despite Love's track record (of which only The Business showed any sort of film making talent) I really was hoping for an interesting British take on vigilantism, that addresses many of the hopes and fears that British people feel at this time. I was also impressed the way Love and his producers gathered together the finance to make this. It's a shame they didn't hire a talented writer to pen something even remotely interesting. This film has absolutely nothing to recommend it at all.
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