This is what film is all about.
24 September 2007
It's a small story about "small" people. If you like films about real world people, see this film. It's a film that doesn't flinch in showing small town New York. It's a great achievement in American film – I'm sure no one will notice. Maybe the audience doesn't exist for these films anymore, but that shouldn't prevent the making of them. Make them for the audience of the future.

Give this film some time and people will come to it. The score was noteworthy – very nice. Somebody did a great job putting this film together. It flows they way a good story should – just enough humor and just enough pathos for a complete story. Do you like the films made after the fall of the Hollywood system and before the rise of the Lucas/Spielberg juggernaut? This one is good enough to play with the big boys.

Like the film characters, these film makers are some of the last hold-outs in making film stories the way they should be made -- character driven, and about something.
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