Review of Wild Hogs

Wild Hogs (2007)
Maybe I missed something
10 September 2007
It is quite possible that I was irritable last night or my heart is two sizes too small, but I felt that Wild Hogs was simply one of the most embarrassing, derivative, trashy, pieces o'crap that I've had the misfortune of wasting two hours of my time on. I am not the kind of person who rates everything 1's or 10's, nor do I write reviews regularly, but there was something singularly distasteful about this film that begged for a reaming on IMDb. I honest to god felt slightly brain-damaged for almost cracking a smile toward the end.

Whether it was the phoned in performances of the four leads, or the asinine plot, or the ham-fisted comedy, or the sense that the joke was one massive gay joke, I can't be sure, but I can't begin to express the depths of my loathing for this paint by numbers mess.

I feel bad for William H. Macy, I really do. No paycheck is worth this embarrassment. John Travolta, Tim Allen, and Martin Lawrence have all made some rotten, putrid films before, so this disaster simply doesn't leave that big of stain. But William H. Macy...I'm sure he's been in bad movies (Jurassic Park III, Psycho), but he limped from those with his dignity somewhat intact. Bill, if your out there reading this, you need to get to an AA meeting PRONTO (Actors Anonymous).
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