Beau Geste (1926)
Ronald Colman is "Beau Geste"
22 August 2007
First, the original novel by P.C. Wren is about the most exciting book I've ever read. Though it's generally considered adventure fantasy for adolescent boys, and I was a thirtysomething woman when I got around to reading it, I really couldn't put it down. HOW did all those Legionnaires stand at Fort Zinderneuf? Who stole the Blue Water? And of course I have had a major crush on Ronald Colman since my teens, so I had to buy the movie (on VHS, alas). But I love Gary Cooper, too. Which version to choose? Well, anybody but a Frenchman can join the Foreign Legion, but seeing Cooper and Robert Preston (love him, too) in this very English story just doesn't seem to work. Maybe Cary Grant should have done it.
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