Review of Newhart

Newhart (1982–1990)
Recipe for a loser
7 August 2007
(1) Take one star - whose time already came and went - who is disgruntled with the 80s' more sophisticated, smart, and better comedies (e.g. "Moonlighting," "The Love Boat," "The Cosby Show").

(2) Star begs his old production company (MTM Enterprises) and old network (CBS) to do another "comedy" series, who decide to go through with the idea without any shred of sense.

(3) Retain some of the same soporific and uninteresting elements that made star's first "comedy" a success, but this time fold in some of the "dumb" humor that was prevalent in such concurrent "kiddie comedy" series as "Full House" and "Family Matters" and gear it toward the older set.

(4) Also, rip off some elements of those even worse "rural comedies" of the 1960's (e.g. "The Beverly Hillbillies," "Green Acres").

(5) Mix well.

(6) Arrange to have series win some undeserving Emmy awards so it will attract viewers.

(7) When network moves show to a slot where it will get beaten in the ratings by a competing blockbuster, make sure production company still has connections at the network so they can sweet-talk and cajole the network's executives into keeping the show on.

(8) When production company is purchased by a foreign concern (the British-based TVS Corporation) that can't manage the company effectively, budget to continue producing series will begin to dwindle after seven years. Therefore, concoct a quick, convenient, and unconvincing conclusion for the series' final episode so series will (mercifully) come to an end. (I suppose the people who, in one of the threads on the message board for this show, said this episode was a "well, thought-out finale" MUST HAVE been on crack!)

Yield: 8 dumb, ridiculous, uninteresting, and superfluous seasons.

(20th Century Fox, I feel VERY sorry for you that you're now stuck with the unfortunate honor of owning "Newhart," as well as his previous "comedy." So if you're smart, and I know you ARE, please - DON'T put this show on DVD, especially since you recently stated the sales of Newhart's first "comedy" series on DVD were below par - thank goodness - and that more contemporary and MUCH funnier comedy series of yours like "The Simpsons" and "My Name is Earl" on DVD ARE selling!)
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