Review of 1408

1408 (2007)
Hell? .....Don't mind if I do!
27 July 2007
A seriously atmospherically creepy psychological horror thriller & one of the best from either genre in a long time. A refreshing well paced story that doesn't get bogged down in superfluous detail but seeps in under your skin and putrefies with all its glorious well formed sinister intent. While watching I had flashes of "In the Mouth of Madness", "The Others," "A nightmare on Elm St" franchise with smatterings of David Chronenberg's mastery, but it's certainly no cut & paste of any of these!

From a dark rubbled strewn world to retro fitted 1930's 5 star hotel room, 1408 has it all. A tenuous claustrophobic? 1408 will gulp the very air right from your lungs leaving your withered white gasping shell slumped on the floor! Don't say I didn't warn you! Scared of heights? Have night terrors of being trapped, isolated, freezing, white knuckled frantically grasping for anything that will stop your rapid out of control decent with the ultimate result being your virginal brain's french kiss of the side walk 30 stories below? These and greater horrors await you in this highly refreshing Author Stephen King derived yarn.

A timely film which will hopefully show direction to the ever increasingly repetitious horror makers the world over without spawning millions of copies. If you want to truly have a wild cerebrally fulfilling(and pant's filling) olé' time, then you could do a lot worse than seeing this nasty little gem.
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