Review of Fletch Lives

Fletch Lives (1989)
Ed Harley, Harley Davidson Motorcycle
26 July 2007
Another classic Chevy Chase film. This film is only just better than the previous movie. There are plenty of wise-cracks and smart remarks to keep you laughing. A must see for Chevy Chase fans and comedy fans in general. This film is very similar to the original. Irwin Fletcher has inherited a mansion from his Aunt who has passed away. Soon enough Fletch finds that his land is worth more than he expected, around lets say $250,000. Remember this is back in 1989 and that was a hell of a lot of money back then! Soon enough Fletch discovers that whoever wants his land, will not hesitate to rid him as well. I don't want to give away too much information, it will be better for you to discover it for yourself. Pros - Entertaining Story, many hilarious jokes, Chevy Chase. Cons - Last Fletch film starring Chevy Chase, not quite a satisfying ending for the two films Overall a must see and a guaranteed laugh. Heres a tip, invite a few mates over your place, order some pizza and you are set for a night of entertainment. Movies don't get much better than this.
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