19 July 2007
This movie is made up of random scenes with random characters. Very little linkage is made between the scenes or characters. So a lot of what is presented is absurd, meaningless or boring. I guess if one saw it over and over, and if one had an overactive imagination, one could create for oneself a story line. Of course, that would be your story line, not the writer's or director's, because they didn't have a story line or any conception of what this movie is or is supposed to say. No scene or character is developed enough so that one could care about them. Even the music is cut short. The best part of the movie was the credits at the end, where they did play the "Sleepy Time Gal" theme song to completion. The acting was bad and contrived. But, to the actors' credit, without a plot or story line or anything to go on, what could they do? To the movie's credit, some of the random scenes have beautiful photography. I notice a lot of movies these days have a lot of confusing, random scenes that jump around in time. I suppose someone asked "why should a movie be linear?", and now film makers are making non-linear films. But it takes more skill than this move maker has (or most (all?) of the rest) to pull it off. I guess a big ego director is saying? "This is my art, take it or leave it!" Well, I'll leave it.
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