Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Jem'Hadar (1994)
Season 2, Episode 26
The spark............
26 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This episode started on a peaceful note of a camping trip on a planet in the Gamma Quadrant when the Commander and his son with Quark and Nog in tow are apprehended by the Jem'Hadar and taken captive. There is a prisoner already in the holding area and she helps the escape. The USS Odyssey, a Galaxy class ship arrives at the planet and the Jem'Hadar attack mercilessly and the Odyssey turns to retreat and one of the Jem'Hadar ships rams the ship and destroys it. When the escapees from the planet arrive at DS9 the prisoner is found out to be a fraud and she departs to parts unknown, leaving a chilling message of what has just begun. This was a fantastic episode which set up a long running story to the series close.
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