The Departed (2006)
Best movie I've seen in 20 years
20 June 2007
I caught this on DVD last night. The rest of the family was asleep while I sat in living room, slowly moving from chair to chair to get closer to the TV. This movie grabbed me and pulled me in hard. It had everything that I like in a movie. It had suspense, characters (that I care about and ones I hate), unpredictable, twists and a great ending.

The movie basically is the story of two police officers coming out of the academy. One was sent there to be a spy for the mob (Damon), the other is recruited right away to be a mole in the mob for the cops DiCaprio). We watch as each reported to there boss's and tries to not get caught. Meanwhile a lot of people die around them (the departed).

The suspense in this movie was so high I couldn't stand it. I sit here at work the next day and I'm amazed at how much I'm still thinking about it. The reason the suspense is great is two fold. One you feel like these characters (all of them) are in danger, real danger. Two you don't know what's going to happen next. All this makes for a great ride.

I highly recommend this movie unless you don't like mob movies. This is very much a mob movie. 10/10

BTW DiCaprio got robbed for not getting an Oscar nomination. I really don't care for the guy, but he did a hell of a good job. Walberg deserved his nomination. Damon was good but played it a little too cold. Nicholson, Sheen and Baldwin were great stars willing to play their parts to the hilt as supporting actors. If Martin Scorsese had not gotten the Best Director then the Oscars would have lost ALL credibility.

Good Day!
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